How To Participate

How To Participate

01.Every and each artist invited to receive the Music Grain Award should have at least one (1) good factory quality CD recorded or a digital album with at least 10 tracks on the main digital platforms like Spotify, ITunes, Google Play, Amazon Music and Deezer;

02. The Music Grain Award CD Collection is an example of Brazilian music’s identity and its huge diversity, preferably with representatives of the main regions of the country;

03. The Music Grain Award CD is pressed with factory quality, which means previous authorization from the copywriter owners of the phonogram that is included with no cost to the Music Grain Award. The CD is only for promotional use. No commercial use is involved;

04.  The selection criteria is based on the contribution of the artist for the Brazilian culture as well as his or her career in the country and abroad;

05. The same artist may receive the Award more than once, but with a three year period for a new award. In this case, a relevant contribution for the music segment on which the Award acts is the main point;

06. The Award is focused mainly on the artist and his or her work. The Commisson will analyse one specific release (CD/Vinyl), more than one (several CDs/vinyl) and the discography as a whole;

07. The Music Grain Award is dedicated to the Brazilian song gender. Song meaning lyrics and music. Music written for singing;

08. Upon accepting the invitation to receive the Music Grain Award and to participate on the CD, the artist will alow the track to be available on a streaming site for the public’s free access, as a way to make the process a democratic one. The platforms and the distributors of the annual CD will be defined by the Music Grain Award Commission;

09. Upon accepting the invitation, the artist commits himself or herself of being present on the day of the ceremony, with date and location previously defined by the Award organizers. Or, if not possible, indicate a representative to receive the award and the number of the promo CDs given to the artist. It’s also necessary to send the documents that will allow the inclusion of the selected song on the promo CD;

10. It is the artist’s responsibility the costs necessary to be present at the ceremony (travel expenses, meals, hotel costs, etc), presently at the city of São Paulo. The Music Grain Award will not be responsible for any expenses, besides info about the city’s logistics;

11. Since 2020, the Music Grain Award is also on virtual format through our You Tube channel;

12. The material (CD) received by the Music Grain Award does not mean that the artist will be automatically selected for that specific year or the following. All material received will be available for future consultation and will be part of our music collection;

13. These rules can be modified by the Music Grain Award Commission at any time, without previous advise, and what should be considered as the general rules is the date at the end of this regulation;

14. The participation on the Music Grain Award applies agreement of these rules published in our official website:

Addition to the rules of Music Grain Award from December 8, 2017.


As of 2018, the Music Grain Award established Regional Curatorship all over the country. Artists, cultural producers, cultural agents, people involved with music in general, will be invited to be volunteers and work with the Award.

The main function of these curators is to make a pre selection of the CDs to be sent to the Commission’s Award, in São Paulo, every year. It is the Commission’s responsibility the final selection of the fifteen names selected for each edition.

Curators are the link between the artists and the Music Grain Award. This exercise will be encouraged, once it is going to create local and regional connections with the general coordination of the Award.

The main contact, through mail, with the Music Grain Award is the following address:

Music Grain Award Rua Rocha, 35/33 Bela Vista, 01312-010 São Paulo, SP – Brazil.

We recommend the use of receipt notification, as we cannot be held responsible for lost mail.


The logo and trophey of the Award were a creation by Brazilian visual artist Elifas Andreato. It is a sculpture measuring 11,8 inchs and weighing 6,6 pounds. It is made of massive bronze on a 2,3 x 2,3 inches marble base.

Photo by Sabrina Pestana (Olho na Nuca)

Edited on January 3, 2021 by Music Grain Award Commission